Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My Summer Plans!

From: Katie J
To: Everybody!

Heya, everyone! Hehe, I think this blog is a marvelous idea. I especially love the password. Mwaha. Anywho, my summer plans are basically just working and traveling around NC/VA/SC to see awesome people. (and possibly IL as well) I hope to have a lot going on this summer, to keep me busy and/or productive. Currently, I'm trying to get rid of the large, relatively frightening pile of stuff that I carted from Lynchburg to home by dispersing it into various cracks and crevices of my bedroom. I've been working on that for the last two days. Yikes. I hope everyone else is having an easier time with their dorm stuff than I am!

As far as prayer requests go, I am still job-hunting. A lot of places are hiring for the summer here, which is pretty amazing because I was worried I wouldn't be able to find a job with the economy being so poor and whatnot. However, prayer in this area would be marvelous. Also, my wayward cousin (ask me in person and I'll give you the full story) is up to her old schemes of trying to use me for rides, among other things. So prayer for her, and prayer that I won't go crazy this summer as I deal with her constant pressuring. There's also a boy....but that's all you're getting from me. Prayer with that whole situation would be great, because we really don't have a way to talk to each other this summer until he gets a new phone. And even if he did have a phone, relationships are tricky things on their own, especially if you're not sure if there's even going to be a relationship or not.

My prayer partner is Ashley Martens, who, coincidentally, is also my roommate. I'm excited to get to know her this summer!

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